7.x-1.x-dev Development snapshot 2020-03-17 New stable release: 7.x-1.19 [#2349885] by hass, Dieter Geiling: Add config.smiley_path for relative image urls [#2993053] by stefan.korn: DocBlock missing for hook_user_presave() [#2211217] by bwaindwain, gifad: Using "theme css", CKEditor fails to translate URI to valid URL [#172229] by vokiel: Update CKEditor to 4.14.0 [#169464] by vokiel: Fix (remove) the eval() usage inside JavaScript files. [#2679179] by Dave Reid, ron_s: CKEditor uses separate cache-busting query string from Drupal's [#2795603] by hgoto: drush ckeditor-download command raises warning with undefined offset [#2947109] by jstoller: New default CKEditor skin not recognized [#2898012] bump CKEditor to 4.9.2 [#2790539] by Johnny vd Laar: prepare callback is optional, ckeditor_filter_xss causes notices 2017-06-26 New stable release: 7.x-1.18 [#2463187] by Devin Carlson: Allow plugins to specify custom paths for button icons [#2299617] by ben.kyriakou: IMCE browser in CKEditor plugin doesn't respect current language [#1330794] by m4olivei, bwaindwain, ConfuciusDa1st, fearlsgroove: Use theme css in sub-theme does not include base theme [#2886073] by anrikun: Mistake in feature dependencies [#2644124] by drclaw: Some CKEditor plugins buttons don't appear in the Drag & Drop toolbar wizard [#2540528] by neerajsingh: In filemanager.config.php, Building $baseDir [#2705773] by japerry: ckeditor missing the 'prepare callback' from input filters [#2745809] by alvar0hurtad0: Add some tests to avoid failed testing of all patches 2015-11-30 New stable release: 7.x-1.17 [#2550535] by jcisio, donquixote: $plugin_settings['active'] is messing with features [#2574253] by karenann: User specific "Default state" setting is not obeyed [#2514938] by themic8, jcisio: Use the latest version from CDN [#2542566] by jcisio: remove leftover icon.gif [#2542566] by bneil, srjosh, jcisio: Remove Media integration [#2437749] by Perignon, david.gil, jcisio: Infinity bucle in some cases in ckeditor_file_download [#2463461] by Luukyb: Cleanup .gitignore file from git [#1154730] by Sutharsan: CKEditor not following body rows setting Drupal 7 [#2292575] by Hai-Nam Nguyen: mistakenly added a new line [#2292575] by Angry Dan: Naming of mediaembed plugin is confusing [#2323149] by kaare: ckeditor.admin.css: url() for tick.png and delete.png must point to ../images/ [#2159403] by das-peter, aDarkling, Devin Carlson, wwalc, Angry Dan, brantwynn, agoradesign, micbar, joelpittet, brockfanning, iKb: Make CKEditor plugin system modular and clean [#2324383] by eugene.ilyin: Toolbar in Ckeditor profile is not saved: incompatibility with jQuery 1.10 [#2367913] by yched: Fixed ckeditor_help() issues one uncached locale query on each page. 2014-10-14 New stable release: 7.x-1.16 [#2357029] SA-CONTRIB-2014-098 - CKEditor - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) 2013-07-15 New stable release 7.x-1.15 Updated the default URL to CKEditor CDN to use the 4.4.3 version. [#2175565] removed ckeditor.make added in 7.x-1.14. 2013-05-08 New stable release 7.x-1.14 [#2255129] by wwalc: Introduced support for the codesnippet and mathjax plugins. [#1762328] by wwalc: IMPORTANT: <code> tags are no longer protected by default. [#1327898] by grasmash: Adding new ckeditor_security_filter_alter() hook. [#2175565] by hswong3i: Download Library with ckeditor.make for Simple Profile Integration. (removed in 7.x-1.15) [#2249139] by wwalc: Use CKEditor 4.4.0 from CKEditor CDN (http://cdn.ckeditor.com) by default. [#1370894] by uberhacker, mgifford, Devin Carlson: Conditionally load ckeditor.css only when necessary. [#1960808] by valkum, wwalc: Avoid using arg() in code. [#1914496] by Danylo Dragan: Drush integration code doesn't respect --skip option. [#2085245] by jlyon: Fix theme path displayed on Edit CKEditor Profile page. [#2123669] by wwalc: Better support for loading custom CKEditor skins. [#1914904] by rooby: Media plugin not working in IE 9 and below. [#2244835] by loopduplicate: CKEditor is not visible in Panels IPE in IE11. [#2244817] by wwalc: CKEditor from CDN does not load in Panels IPE when a form is loaded in a popup for the first time. [#2244387] by wwalc: 3rd party plugins with large icons break the toolbar configurator. [#2013657] by pfrenssen: Allow other modules to alter the default settings. [#2236367] by greenSkin: Add $conf array to ckeditor_settings alter hook. [#1452544] by covenantd, RedRat: DrupalPageBreak button not visible when using Smart Paging module. [#2231005] by ChinggizKhan: Only set "window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" when it isnt already set. [#1659576] by ChinggizKhan: Text of "Switch to plain text editor" link doesn't toggle. [#2043365] by Erik Erskine, Danny_Joris: CKEditor profile exported as feature with filter format does not import properly. [#2234971] by wwalc: Adjust the default toolbars. [#2234967] by wwalc: Add support for loading CKEditor from remote URL. [#2234943] by wwalc: Use the moono icons in the administration area. [#2127467] by wwalc: Support Pantheon Live Environment. [#1971566] by wwalc: Mediaembed throws JS error with ACF enabled. [#1950498] by wwalc: Advanced Content Filter introduced in CKEditor 4.1 is now configurable in CKEditor profile. [#1971502] by wwalc: Mediaembed plugin should define allowedContent for ACF. 2013-04-12 New stable release 7.x-1.13 Bug fixes: [#1063482] by nod_, wwalc, roderik, helior, hadsie: Use Libraries API for CKEditor [#1898294] by kscheirer: Fatal error if Libraries module is enabled after CKEditor [#1961596] by jcisio: Added 'feature_source()' option so that ckeditor_profile() component is visible in drush. [#1356026] by Volx, hctom: Fixed Profile loses text formats when exported into a feature using Drush. [#1895278] by wwalc WYSIWYG editor should allow Drupal to trigger 'formUpdated' event [#1957066] by rudiedirkx: Use field_extra_fields to be able to position the "Rich text editor settings" fieldset [#1959754] by wwalc: CKFinder is not installed correctly - improve information in the status report [#1810910] by mokaspar, jcisio, DeFr: Fixed Comments gets filtered out by ckeditor_filter_xss(). [#1909318] by Simon Georges: Useless file inclusion in ckeditor.info. [#1603014] by anou, SebCorbin: Corrected strings used in Security section. [#1889010] by michal_cksource: Problem with CKFinder files upload when private download method is used [#1885950] by michal_cksource: Fix HTML validation for iframe in profile configuration [#1885938] by michal_cksource: Disable div based editor on default [#1872064] by dczepierga: Undefined index: loadPlugins in ckeditor_modules_disabled() and ckeditor_modules_uninstalled() 2012-12-22 New stable release 7.x-1.12 Bug fixes: [#1871918] by matulis: Bug in checking if a file "contents.css" exists [#1870270] by dczepierga: Disable plugins which not exists and are stored in ckeditor profiles [#1864760] by dczepierga: Wrong path to plugins stored in database [#1868416] by dczepierga: Move skin selection option to CKEditor Global Profile [#1866654] by dczepierga: Remove "Skin" and "Toolbar state on startup" options from user profile [#1865086] by dczepierga: Set default theme if selected not exists 2012-12-12 New stable release 7.x-1.11 New features: [#1858840] by dczepierga: Add option to enable/disable aggregate ckeditor.js script [#1847662] by dczepierga: Add support for CKEditor v4 [#1577518] by dczepierga: Remove unused/unsupported hook_user from code [#1559700] by dczepierga: Disable HTML Entities conversion by default [#1692666] by dczepierga: Unset Ckeditor-Plugin upon module disabling/uninstalling Bug fixes: [#1760506] by ceng: CKEditor features are not reverted or applied from the command line [#1857910] by dczepierga: Using extraPlugins config option in Custom JavaScript (Advanced options) not working [#1850626] by dczepierga: Wrong path to external plugins loaded by hook [#1844390] by dczepierga: Undefined index: loadPlugins in ckeditor_modules_enabled() [#1790082] by dczepierga: Order of filters calling in ckeditor filter XSS function [#1728318] by dczepierga: Text format filters are not properly given $format; cannot look up their per-format settings [#1698600] by azovsky: Undefined index: format in ckeditor_pre_render_text_format() [#1651130] by lmeurs: Wrong variable substitution using t() [#1637416] by michal_cksource: Fix description to "Custom JavaScript configuration" option [#1595606] by kmcnamee: Wrong instructions for configuring CKFinder [#1350998] by MegaChriz: CKEditor settings appear on all user profile edit pages [#1567022] by dczepierga: Overlays of administration toolbar appears in CKEditor maximized mode [#1557526] by dczepierga: CKEditor gets inserted multiple times on text format selection [#1554840] by dczepierga: Missing argument - WYSIWYG Filter, HTML Purifier & HTMLawed 2012-04-18 New stable release 7.x-1.9 New features: [#1489358] by dczepierga: Add support for the Stylesheet Parser plugin [#1483402] by dczepierga: Change security filters policy [#1489074] by acbramley: Change CKEditor XSS URL to be passed through url() [#1473010] by michal_cksource: Set spellchecker to use the interface language Bug fixes: [#1537824] by dczepierga: External plugins do not work when the ckeditor_basic.js loading method is used [#1507852] by dczepierga: 'drush ckeditor-download' fails if SVN is not installed [#1432068] by kruser: Fix path to the sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ckeditor.styles.js file [#1504398] by ndeschildre: Importing CKEditor profile features fails, manual revert is needed [#1508342] by dczepierga: WSOD on saving content from CKEditor using Ajax when the node edit form is embedded in the display of another node [#1491210] by michal_cksource: CKEditor gets disabled/enabled on all AJAX calls [#1512196] by dczepierga: Refactor code with titles and descriptions now available for translation [#1496164] by michal_cksource: Buttons are too high when using the drag & drop feature in Firefox [#1492344] by dczepierga: Portuguese language missing 2012-03-15 New stable release 7.x-1.8 Bug fixes: [#1371660] by dczepierga: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing 2012-03-14 New stable release 7.x-1.7 New features: [#1338044] by dczepierga: Add an option to disable the toolbar wizard [#1349330] by dczepierga: Add a configuration option to set the CKFinder library path Bug fixes: [#1345738] by michal_cksource: Included JavaScript files for the toolbar drag & drop wizard should be minified [#1361846] by mrsimonelliott: CKEditor does not load on a 'Long Text' CCK field [#1371660] by dczepierga: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing [#1043230] by KoCo: D7 administration toolbar overlays CKEditor in maximized mode [#1357794] by dczepierga: Invalid attribute "disc-type" in ckeditor.css [#1324990] by michal_cksource: Problems with access to private files (download) [#1343310] by michal_cksource: Change settings for private download [#1351470] by dczepierga: CKEditor plugins added with the "hook_ckeditor_plugin" button do not appear in the toolbar [#1329980] by jherencia: Problem with CKEditor module update [#1347682] by jherencia: D6 to D7 - error in update #7003 when running update.php [#1350382] by michal_cksource: Improve regex pattern to find plugins for CKEditor [#1349304] by michal_cksource: Change descriptions in CKEditor help page [#1343310] by michal_cksource: Change settings for private download [#1348196] by michal_cksource: Change of the default path for CKFinder settings [#1346818] by michal_cksource: Change of Full toolbar buttons [#1345658] by michal_cksource: Enable the Drupal Breaks plugin by default 2011-11-10 New stable relase 7.x-1.6 Bug fixes: [#1337064] by michal_cksource: Fix Fatal error: Call to undefined function db_fetch_object() 2011-11-09 New stable relase 7.x-1.5 Bug fixes: [#1334140] by michal_cksource: CKEditor is cut off in comments form [#1331728] by michal_cksource: Remove unnecessary Drupal Page Break button if there is no module to support this feature [#1331720] by michal_cksource: Fix broken link to Global Profile in CKEditor configuration main page [#1331716] by michal_cksource: Fix missing version number in report status [#1324554] by dczepierga: Fix adding custom plugin - change in ckeditor.api.php [#1283918] by michal_cksource: Fix UTF-8 issues [#1327540] by michal_cksource: Fix hook_file_download allows downloading of private files created by another module [#1325412] by michal_cksource: Fix problem with list-style-type in ckeditor.css 2011-10-26 New stable release 7.x-1.4 -- 2011-10-24 - [#1319658] by michal_cksource: Correct language list in the CKEditor profile configuration -- 2011-10-20 - [#1259510] by michal_cksource: Fix for setting a private files folder breaks CKEditor file uploads -- 2011-10-17 - [#1310280] by dczepierga: Improve icons detection from CKEditor plugins (part 2) - [#1298972] by michal_cksource: Correct messages and add language fixes - [#1311928] by dczepierga: Add jquery_ui support to the Drag & Drop toolbar configuration -- 2011-10-14 - [#1310280] by dczepierga: Improve icons detection from CKEditor plugins - [#1295176] by dczepierga: Fix Notice: Undefined index: default in ckeditor_admin_profile_form() - when editing CKEditor profile - [#1310198] by duozersk: Add plugin to count symbols and words inside CKEditor -- 2011-10-04 - [#1298972] by michal_cksource: Correct messages and add language fixes -- 2011-09-26 - [#1154264] by dczepierga: Fix for deleting profle - after deleting the Advanced profile, Full HTML profile doesn't load -- 2011-09-23 - [#1288084] by dczepierga: Disable Media and IMCE module selection if these modules are not installed -- 2011-09-20 - [#1283788] by dczepierga: Fix Notice: Undefined index: buttons in ckeditor_toolbar_buttons_all() -- 2011-09-19 - [#1219348] by dczepierga: Fix for WYSIWYG filter - add missing argument -- 2011-09-15 - [#1280298] by dczepierga: Add configuration option to disable text format filters in filter/xss request - [#1270792] by dczepierga: Further improvements to the Drag & Drop toolbar configuration -- 2011-09-13 - [#1173294] by dczepierga: Fix for incorrect file path for uploaded Images -- 2011-09-12 - [#1270792] by michal_cksource: Improved Drag & Drop toolbar configuration - fixed css styles - [#1270792] by michal_cksource: Improved Drag & Drop toolbar configuration - fixed errors (dragged item was to low in Firefox and validation failed when 'group' button was first in buttons row) -- 2011-09-06 - [#1270792] by dczepierga: Add Drag & Drop toolbar configuration -- 2011-08-31 - [#1264884] by dczepierga: Fix warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect ----------------------------- 2011-08-29 Released CKEditor 7.x-1.3 ----------------------------- -- 2011-08-29 - [#1260892] by dczepierga: Add regex to work with new CKEditor toolbar format (toolbar groups compatible with WAI-ARIA) - [#1258326] by dczepierga: Add configuration option for setting CKEditor plugins directory -- 2011-08-25 - [#1257308] by dczepierga: Add loading sample toolbar to profile configuration - [#1192622] by dczepierga: Replace static paths to plugins in the database with dynamic paths -- 2011-08-16 - [#1250496] by dczepierga: 'CKEDITOR' is not defined - problem with ckeditor.styles.js -- 2011-08-11 - [#1231130] by dczepierga: The "Use theme style" setting now always uses the "seven" theme (admin menu theme) -- 2011-08-10 - [#1245306] by dczepierga: "Custom JavaScript configuration" field description is wrong -- 2011-08-08 - [#1231338] by dczepierga: Features module support for Drupal 7 (exporting profiles) -- 2011-08-02 - [#1235142] by madmanmax: README.TXT - Installing CKFinder - wrong permission name -- 2011-07-12 - [#1216104] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - semicolon problem - [#1215032] by dczepierga: Bad location of the configuration file in the description of CKEditor profile -- 2011-07-04 - [#1190278] by dczepierga: CKEditor does not work with the Insert module -- 2011-06-28 - [#1198068] by michal_cksource: Confusing behavior with IMCE button implementation -- 2011-06-27 - [#1201180] by dczepierga: SCAYT spelling language does not match node language -- 2011-06-22 - [#1196166] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - editor not showing in some cases -- 2011-06-17 - [#1032120] by dczepierga: Formatting is lost when editing a node -- 2011-06-14 - [#1187808] by RolandK: Not formatting text between code tags -- 2011-06-13 - [#1186880] by dczepierga: Handling arrays in the "Custom JavaScript configuration" -- 2011-06-09 - [#1183218] by neclimdul: Fix broken teasers for long paragraphs -- 2011-06-06 - [#1179880] by dczepierga: Add hook to register a plugin - [#1063646] by dczepierga: Fix calling Undefined index: "loadPlugins" in ckeditor_admin_values_to_settings() -- 2011-06-02 - [#1176212] by dczepierga: Remove not supported linktomenu and linktonode plugins - [#1176208] by dczepierga: Add plugins management in profile settings ----------------------------- 2011-05-30 Released CKEditor 7.x-1.2 ----------------------------- -- 2011-05-27 - [#1170612] by dczepierga: Add support for autogrow and tableresize plugin -- 2011-05-26 - [#1169402] by dczepierga: Fix duplicated path in the error message displayed when CKEditor is not installed correctly -- 2011-05-23 - [#1165864] by dczepierga: Improve manual selection of the user interface color - [#1093038] by marhak: CKEDITOR is not defined when using ckeditor_basic.js - Editor is not loading - [#1039810] by cwc: Fix to predefined styles path errors (fix typo) - [#1164270] by TommyChris: Fix to work with ckeditor_link module (http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor_link) -- 2011-05-16 - [#1158898] by dczepierga: Add Google PageSpeed and Drupal JS/CSS aggregation support -- 2011-05-09 - [#1134252] by dczepierga: Add HTML Entities configurable option in each profile -- 2011-05-04 - [#1022986] by dczepierga: Add integration with Media Module -- 2011-05-02 - [#1142600] by taite11: Readme file edit - there is no core upload module in Drupal 7 -- 2011-04-28 - [#1022986] by dczepierga: Add integration with Media Module (http://drupal.org/project/media) -- 2011-04-11 - [#1116516] by weboide: Fix to CKEditor and Profile2 - remove call to undefined function ckeditor_user_customize_form_validate() on uid=1 -- 2011-04-07 - [#1093028] by marhak: Text written in rich text editor (WYSIWYG) mode disappears when switching to plain text editor mode - [#1102824] by dczepierga: CKEditor loses all text when uploading an image or file via field API -- 2011-03-31 - [#1093038] by marhak: CKEDITOR is not defined when using ckeditor_basic.js - Editor is not loading -- 2011-03-30 - [#1109366] by dczepierga: #1052604 Fix remove call to undefined function ckeditor_user_customize_form_validate -- 2011-03-29 - [#1107882] by dczepierga: Add a warning message when the wysiwyg module is enabled in Drupal 7 -- 2011-03-28 - [#1107882] by dczepierga: Add a warning message when the wysiwyg module is enabled in Drupal 7 -- 2011-03-23 - [#1039810] by cwc: Fix to predefined styles path errors -- 2011-03-17 - [#1095954] by dczepierga: Fix to prevent calling "Toggle rich text link" multiple times ----------------------------- 2011-03-10 Released CKEditor 7.x-1.1 ----------------------------- -- 2011-02-22 - [#960576] by dczepierga: Add loading ckeditor.css from theme. - [#1069012] by dczepierga: CKEditor version could not be determined -- 2011-02-21 - [#1068186] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor SWF (http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor_swf) and CKEditor Link (http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor_link) modules -- 2011-02-17 - [#1064422] by dczepierga: All changes to the text are lost when input format is changed -- 2011-02-14 - [#1053222] by dczepierga: Two editors appeared when JavaScript Aggregation was enabled - [#1037390] by dczepierga: Cannot use CKEditor module to create header/footer in Views - [#1052604] by dczepierga: Call to undefined function ckeditor_user_customize_form_validate -- 2011-02-11 - [#1056068] by dczepierga: Fix Warning: file_get_contents(/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ckeditor.js) -- 2011-02-08 - [#1054414] by dczepierga: Added support for elFinder (http://drupal.org/project/elfinder) file manager - [#1054606] by dczepierga: No detach method in Drupal.behaviors.ckeditor -- 2011-02-07 - [#1037390] by dczepierga: Cannot use CKEditor module to create header/footer in Views - [#1053358] by dczepierga: Removed option to "Use CKEditor in a popup window" in "My account" settings -- 2011-02-04 - [#1050034] by dczepierga: Disabled editor gets enabled again after ajax calls -- 2011-02-03 - [#1037390] by dczepierga: Cannot use CKEditor module to create header/footer in Views -- 2011-02-01 - [#1037390] by dczepierga: Cannot use CKEditor module to create header/footer in Views -- 2011-01-24 - [#1035544] by dczepierga: Remove double http:// in ckeditor.drush.inc -- 2011-01-20 - [#1006770] by OnkelTem: Fix Notice: Undefined index: filtered_html in ckeditor_profile_load() ----------------------------- 2011-01-13 Released CKEditor 7.x-1.0 ----------------------------- -- 2011-01-13 - Added Upgrade.txt - Fixed filters description (HTML should be allowed there) - Link to CKEditor Global Profile was not displayed properly. - [#1025472] by dczepierga: Starting slash in editor path result in Warnings - [#1022562] by dczepierga: In IE8 break button icon doesn't appear - [#1023546] by dczepierga: Useless ajax call when no security filters are checked -- 2011-01-11 - [#1022666] by dczepierga: Teaser break doesn't work with filtered html input format. - [#1022494] by dczepierga: CKEditor module - Compatibility with Drupal's coding standards -- 2011-01-10 - [#1011112] by Oren_Held: Support RTL also when CSS is not in theme mode (self/none) - [#1020612] by amateescu: Extra table borders added by the Seven theme - [#1003462] by dczepierga: CKfinder path customization won't work - [#1020820] by dczepierga: CKEditor does not work after enabling javascript aggregation - [#1006230] by amateescu: Editor not loading for Full HTML -- 2011-01-05 - [#1006770] by dczepierga: Notice: Undefined index: filtered_html in ckeditor_profile_load() -- 2010-12-29 - [#1009816] by dczepierga: Access denied: ckeditor/xss - [#1004822] by dczepierga: Switching text format to filtered html deletes all "p" tags -- 2010-12-28 - [#1006124] by dczepierga: Registered user gets "Undefined index: popup" message - [#1000330] by dczepierga: No Insert File button in IMCE -- 2010-12-20 - [#1000838] by dczepierga: The Teaser button is absolutely necessary - important functionality has been deleted ----------------------------- 2010-12-15 Released CKEditor 7.x-1.0 RC ----------------------------- -- 2010-12-15 - [#991380] by dczepierga: Language files (D7) - Removed a link to delete the global profile - [#999292] by dczepierga: Remove filter_html as default option in Full HTML text format (D7) - Fixed a typo - Updated comments, minor corrections -- 2010-12-14 - [#997136] by dczepierga: CKFinder - thumbnails not available - [#997124] by dczepierga: Invalid error message when CKFinder is enabled but not configured properly. - [#997116] by dczepierga: D7 Custom formatting options not used - [#997090] by dczepierga: XSS protection not working as expected - [#997098] by dczepierga: Error when CKEditor (the editor) is not present in the ckeditor folder -- 2010-12-13 - [#997074] by dczepierga: Corect the default order of Bidi buttons -- 2010-12-10 - [#994372] by dczepierga: Update README.TXT (D7) -- 2010-12-09 - [#993436] by dczepierga: Disable option of using CKEditor in a popup window (D7) - [#993362] by dczepierga: CKEditor not work in popup window (D7) - [#993330] by dczepierga: Change editor theme in profile edit form (D7) - [#993272] by dczepierga: User Interface color change enabled only for Kama skin -- 2010-12-07 - [#991380] by dczepierga: Language files (D7) - [#984986] by dczepierga: Code syntax after Coder module validation - [#984978] by dczepierga: Security filters not works (D7) - Security mode fix - [#984968] by dczepierga: Make sure that the help information is correct (D7) -- 2010-12-06 - [#990368] by dczepierga: Cleanup code - modules not ported to Drupal 7 - [#985006] by dczepierga: Review README.txt (D7) -- 2010-12-04 - [#984978] by dczepierga: Security filters not works (D7) -- 2010-12-03 - [#984976] by dczepierga: User Interface color not saved in D7 - [#985002] by dczepierga: Remove DrupalPageBreak button from toolbar -- 2010-11-30 - [#984986] by dczepierga: Code syntax after Coder module validation - Removed extra information that should be added by the packaging script -- 2010-11-29 - [#984202] by dczepierga: Detecting of summary field in form - [#966490] by dczepierga: Comment form after ckeditor install. - [#966492] by dczepierga: CKEditor in edit summary/teaser mode - [#984096] by dczepierga: Compatibility of DrupalBreaks Plugin - [#984000] by dczepierga: CKeditor not works in node edit -- 2010-11-25 - [#981624] by dczepierga: Compatibility with drupal 7.0-beta3 - [#966488] by dczepierga: CKEditor should respect input format changes -- 2010-11-23 - [#976968] by dczepierga: Toolbar config validation in profile -- 2010-11-19 - [#901502] by dczepierga: Multi toolbar configuration, and different settings for each - [#975360] by dczepierga: Remove Minimum rows - [#975456] by dczepierga: Remove visibility settings in Global profile in D7 - [#975458] by dczepierga: Selecting UI Color not working -- 2010-11-09 - [#966598] by dczepierga: CKFinder compatibility -- 2010-11-08 - [#965280] by dczepierga: Profiles after save lose all input formats - [#965258] by dczepierga: Compatibility with drupal 7.0-beta2 -- 2010-10-26 - Created initial dev version of the CKEditor module for Drupal 7.x